Breast Lift Scars: What You Need to Know

Published January 12, 2024
Any procedure that calls for an incision opens up the likelihood of scarring. And breast lift is no exception.
It’s normal for women to want to feel confident in their bodies, including their breasts. We all want to dress elegantly, running with the latest fashion trends and the ever-important swimsuit season. Breast lift certainly helps with it. It is where the excess skin and tissues are removed to help lift breasts. It makes them perkier and appear more youthful.
If you’re planning to undergo a breast lift or have had one already, keep on reading. We’ll dive into everything breast lift scarring. We’ll discuss what they are, what they look like, how to get rid of them, and more. We’ll have you take care of your scars effectively to cut their appearance. Let’s dive right in.
What Is a Breast Lift?
Also known as mastopexy, it is a surgical treatment to change the shape of your breasts. Excess skin is cut during a breast lift, and tissue is reshaped to raise the breast.
It is ideal for those who have breasts that sag. Also, you might choose it if your nipples point downward. It can give a boost to one’s self-image and self-confidence.
A breast lift will also not significantly change the size of your breasts. Yet, a breast lift can be done in combination with breast augmentation or reduction.
The Size of the Scar Depends on the Surgical Technique
Breast lift is an umbrella term. It consist of different types of surgeries that fall under its label. Thus, the appearance of your breast lift scars will anchor in the kind of surgical technique your surgeon chooses.
Your surgeon will decide on their surgical approach. It is following a detailed consultation. They will observe your breasts. Moreover, listen to your goals for the procedure.
Below are some of the most famous breast lift surgical techniques. We also list what breast lift scars will look like for each.
1. Crescent lift
The crescent lift is a surgical technique that produces the most minor scarring. It requires only one incision, made near the top edge of the areola. The crescent lift has only one small scar following the procedure.
The crescent lift is ideal for women with minor sagging. It is also performed typically in conjunction with breast augmentation.
2. Anchor lift
On the other end of the spectrum is the anchor lift. It is ideal for those women with significant sagging. It is the most extensive kind of breast lift surgery. Hence, it results in the most breast lift scars.
3. Donut lift
Donut lift resides along the middle between a crescent and an anchor lift. It also has only one incision made during the procedure. Yet, the incision is bigger. It traces a circle around the areola. It is more noticeable because of its size.
4. Lollipop lift
A lollipop lift is one of the most common variations of breast lifts. It is made up of two small incisions to cut any excess tissue and skin in each breast. The incisions are down from the bottom of the areola to the crest below the breast and around the area. The scar is similar to a lollipop, hence the name.
5. Horizontal mastopexy
As the name suggests, it involves horizontal cuts. Its goal is to lessen the appearance of scarring near the areola and in spaces visible in clothing.
What Do Breast Lift Scars Look Like
Any incisions made during a breast lift will be extremely thin; surgeons typically fixate on minimizing the scarring. Though slim, the breast lift scars will be very noticeable. They often have a red, raised appearance. But as the wound heals, the scar will fade into pink and eventually turn white. It will also flatten out, as opposed to being raised.
Scarring tends to be most visible in individuals with highly dark or light complexion. The scars may also become more prominent if exposed to direct sun exposure.
How to Get Rid of Breast Lift Scars: Caring and Minimizing Their Appearance
1. Scar massage
A scar massage is precisely what the name suggests. You gently massage the scars in a circular motion. And you do it both horizontally and vertically. Scar massage will manage inflammation and pain. It will also enhance collagen fibers to flatten out those scars.
You can begin doing it two weeks after your surgery. You can continue the massage a couple of times per day. It is encouraged to keep the duration for 10 minutes at a time. Upon flattening and fading of scars, you can stop the massage.
2. Silicon sheets or scar gels
For OTC relief, you might consider silicone sheets or scar gels.
Silicon sheets are silicone-containing bandages that aid in hydrating recent incisions. It safeguards overdrying and mitigates excessive scar tissue. It may be used to lessen itchiness and pain right after surgery. You can also continue to use them until the incisions heal.
Scar gels are silicone-based OTC products. You use these after the incisions alleviate and for several weeks afterward. The primary purpose of it is to decrease the size and coloring of the scars.
3. Embrace dressings
Just with silicone sheets, embrace dressings are silicone-containing bandages. They are employed right after your surgery closes the incisions. It will help pull the edges of the incisions together to cut scar tissue buildup. They are worn every day for up to a year.
4. Fractionated laser
Upon incision healing, you may consider professional treatments for any scarring. Laser therapy can extend the top (epidermis) and inner (dermis) layers of the skin. It is effective in reducing pigmentation.
5. Sunscreen
Even if your incisions are not directly exposed, the sun’s ultraviolet rays can still pierce through your shirt or bikini top. Wearing sunscreen can assist to prevent scars from darkening.
You can start wearing one as soon as the incisions are fully healed. Until then, limit sun exposure.
6. Skincare procedures
Other skincare procedures aid in lessening the appearance of scarring. You can consider the following options:
- Bleaching serums
- Chemical peels
- Microdermabrasion
- Dermabrasion
- Laser therapy
What Can Make Breast Lift Scars Worse?
As the healing process starts, your scars will inevitably change with time. With proper care, they should persist to fade and flatten.
There are behaviors you should avoid, as they can make your scars worse. These are:
- Excessive exfoliation and scrubbing. This is especially the situation as the wound is healing.
- Heavy lifting. Abstain from heavy lifting in the first six weeks post-surgery.
- Scratching the incisions
- Smoking. Quit smoking for at least one month leading up to the surgery. It will reduce complications.
- Tanning. It will darken scar tissue. It makes scars more noticeable.

Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Lift Scars
1. Can you get a boob lift without scarring?
It is possible to have a breast lift with minimal or even no visible scarring. Yet, it doesn’t remove the fact that all surgical procedures will involve some degree of it. One method of reducing scarring is by making a circumareolar lift. It involves a small incision around the areola. It results in less noticeable scarring.
2. Do breast lift scars go away?
Breast lift scars are permanent. Yet, their visibility can drastically lessen over time. As you face healing, the scar will fade from red to white and flatten out. It will take several months to a year.
3. Are breast lift scars noticeable?
Breast lift scars are noticeable. This is especially true during the period immediately following the surgery. They present themselves as red, raised lines at the incision site.
4. Why are my breast lift scars so dark?
Hyperpigmentation. It is one common reason for dark scars. It happens when the body emits too much melanin in response to the skin’s healing process.
Scars may make you feel insecure. It also certainly doesn’t help that you do a breast lift to manage an insecurity just to be greeted with another one. You can surely see improvements with all our tips on removing these scars.
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About The Author
I am Tracy Gorman, a skilled writer passionate about creating engaging content. With expertise in various topics like lifestyle, beauty, and health, I can craft valuable articles that provide immense assistance.