The 6 Facial Features That Make You More Masculine

Published March 18, 2021
People are born with different features meaning, not every individual was born to look the same. However, certain factors and details to our facial structure give use to feminine or masculine features in terms of physical build and characteristics. Frequently, individuals of various sexual orientations prefer to look more or less than their biological gender is as they feel that their current features do not match their true identity. Some people tend to reduce some facial features to make them look more masculine than they’d wish. Women, or sometimes even men, tend to alter their facial features to look more feminine. There are six areas on our faces we can reduce through surgery and other procedures to achieve this.
Facial Features that Make You Look Masculine
Men’s noses are typically much wider compared to women’s. Men also usually have more crooked bridges on their noses and sometimes even have different dips on them. Contrarily, women’s noses are more narrow than men’s. Women have noses that are more upwardly angled since theirs is more concave. The noses of women usually have an angle of 120 degrees between the nose and the lips, whereas men have no more than 90 degrees. Also, women have notably smaller nostrils. The general sizing and angle of the nose can determine whether the feature is more feminine or masculine. You may achieve a more feminine-looking nose through a nose feminization surgery.
Our eyes are one of the most noticed features on our faces. When other people look at us, they almost automatically gaze into our eyes, so people like to dress up the area around it with make-up. Eyebrows have been a big deal in the fashion world lately. Everyone suddenly wants thick, bushy eyebrows to compliment their eyes and whole face. Men and women have different densities of eyebrows. Men’s eyebrows are thicker, closer to the eyes with smaller eyelids, and appear straighter, whereas women’s are thinner, more curved, and are farther from the eyes. Unlike the nose, our eyebrows are easier to transform. If you want to have more feminine-looking eyebrows, you won’t need to have surgery. A simple waxing or threading can shape your brows to match your desired look better.
Brow Bone
In terms of the size of foreheads, men have a particularly bumpier and more edgy shape. Women, on the other hand, have a smoother and more curved shape for foreheads. Our brow bones form the shape of our forehead. Men’s brow bones are lumpier and formed to have a more outwards shape that creates a bulge on the area above the eyes. Women’s brow bones are flatter, which is why they have a more soft-looking face. You can achieve softer features through a brow bone reduction on the ridge of your eyebrows.
Next on the list of features that make you look more masculine are the lips. Men naturally have thinner and wider lips, whereas women have more plump and fuller lips. Also, the placement of women’s lips is closer to the nose’s tip than men’s. Full lips give women a smaller cupid’s bow. Women accessorize their lips all the time with tints, lip gloss, lip liners, and more. Although women have naturally larger lips than men, some would still get them bigger. You can use lip fillers or surgery to make your lips plumper and fuller, enhancing the face to look more feminine.

Typically, men have chins that are larger than females’. Women’s chins are daintier and less defined, giving it a smoother finish. Alongside that, women have pointier and more round chins, despite being shorter than men’s. Men’s chins are more defined and sharp, which gives them an edgier jaw. There are various ways that you can achieve a softer, more delicate-looking jaw, such as chin contouring and jaw angle deduction.
Adam’s Apple
The Adam’s apple is the most common facial feature seen in men, despite not being on the actual face. Adam’s apples only form in males once they go through puberty. At a certain point, the cartilage in the men’s throat area expands around their voice box to make their voices crack and become deeper. The cartilage’s increase in size is what gives men the bulge on the middle of their neck. The bulge gives a masculine look but can be reduced to get a more feminine look by a tracheal shave.
Final Words
Transgender people get surgery and procedures done on them all the time to change the way they look. Even if you are not transgender, you may still get these facial features adjusted. Whether you are looking to have more feminine or more masculine features, many procedures can help you obtain the look you want. People are free to express who they are and change whatever they want with themselves. If you decide to alter your facial features, be sure to be final with your decision to avoid regretting anything later. With technology continuously being innovated, getting the perfect look you’ve always wished for is now easy to do.
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About The Author
Krizzia Paolyn is a professional writer for several reputable digital magazines and publications. It has always been her passion to share her voice, and at the same time, to encourage other people to speak up. She has a bachelors degree in Psychology.