What You Need to Know About Laser Hair Removal

Published November 29th, 2019
Us girls, we always want to have that fuzz-free, smooth, and silky skin. I mean, who doesn’t? So we sometimes tend to shave, pluck, or even wax that unwanted hair on our skin.
But admit it, all of these can consume too much of our time. Not to mention, it can be really painful at times.
Well, lucky us! There’s a much safer, effective, and hassle-free way of removing unwanted hair permanently. Thanks to this high-tech method: laser hair removal!
Now, this may cost you extra cash compared to waxing or tweezing, but it will benefit you in the long run.
So if you like to keep your body hair on your skin, then that’s fine. But if you want to kiss goodbye to your unwanted hair for good and want to try laser hair removal, well good for you! Here are facts about laser hair removal that you need to know.
Laser Hair Removal Isn’t Really Complicated
It may sound intimidating at first when you hear the word “laser”. What you need to know is that it’s actually very simple. Here’s how it works.
The light that the laser produce converts to heat when it passes through the skin. After that, the heat is being absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicle, causing damage to the roots. Once your hair follicles are destroyed, roots can’t produce hair anymore.
Don’t Throw Your Razors Yet. You Still Need to Shave!
This is a very important one of the facts about laser hair removal, especially in your first session. Laser Hair Removal isn’t like waxing that you need to grow your hair first before the treatment.
If you don’t shave before your appointment, most likely your doctor will just give you a razor. Yes, your doctor can shave it and do a little clean-up, but shaving the entire area can be uncomfortable for you.
Also, you don’t want that odd smell during your treatment because of your burned unwanted hair.
So the best thing you can do is just shave before having your treatment.
Shave But Don’t Wax or Pluck.
Yes, you need to shave, but never tweeze or wax that unwanted hair before treatment.
If you do, then your doctor might postpone your appointment.
You need to remember that the laser targets the pigment of your hair follicle. If you wax recently, then your follicle won’t be there and the laser will not be effective.

You’ll Get Zapped If You Got a Quack!
In all honesty, laser hair removal is the best treatment there is for removing unwanted hair. However, there are risks like burning, discoloration, scarring, and blistering.
These are possible if your inexperienced service providers accidentally use the wrong settings. That’s why it’s important to make sure that you have medical experts working on your skin.
You Shouldn’t Get Hurt
Some people say that during their treatment, it felt like a tiny rubber band was snapping on their skin. But it shouldn’t be painful.
Yes, it depends on a person’s pain tolerance, but hear me out. Some clinics offer pain-free laser hair removal treatment.
You don’t need to suffer in pain to achieve that hair-free skin. It’s the reason you don’t want to wax anymore in the first place.
Those Tiny Red Bumps Are Normal
After the treatment, it is an expected reaction of your skin to have tiny red bumps on the treated area. Professionals call it perifollicular edema, a fancy word for “swollen hair follicles”.
You don’t have to worry if you get these side effects. This just means that the treatment was successful and effective. You should expect the swelling and redness up to 48 hours, but it’s normally gone in 2 hours.
Results Will Vary
Everybody is different. We all have different skin and hair types. Ideally, results should be seen after 6 to 8 sessions, but again it depends on the type of hair and skin of the person.
You Need to be Consistent.
If you want to see results, then you have to attend every scheduled session. It’s a huge mistake not completing the number of sessions your doctor tells you.
Just because the hair growth slows down doesn’t mean you don’t need to continue the treatment anymore.
You need to listen to your doctor if you really want your treatment to be effective. Trust them, they know what’s best for you.
Different Lasers for Different Skin Types
Your doctor can’t use only one type of laser because people have different skin types. To avoid damage to your skin, and of course, to be effective, the appropriate laser should be use base on the type of skin.
It Works Best on Four Areas
For starters, laser hair removal can work on any body part you want to remove hair from. It’s the best hair removal treatment, remember? However, it works best on the bikini, lip, chin, and underarm areas.
You Need to Avoid Sun Exposure
If you recently got tanned or sunburned, your doctor will have to postpone your session. Laser Hair Removal works by identifying the pigment in the hair follicles. So if you had a tan, chances are your skin will burn because the laser may confuse the pigment as your hair’s root.
You Need to Tell Your Doctor Whatever Medication You’re Taking
It’s very important to tell your doctor if you’re taking any medication. Whether it’s just vitamins or antibiotics, you need to inform your doctor about it.
Laser hair removal treatment isn’t compatible with some medications. Medications that are photosensitive like antibiotics may affect your skin big time. You could end up having skin burns!
You need to check out your soaps, facial wash, or anything you’re using for your “skin-care rituals” as well. Some ingredients can affect the treatment and cause some skin irritations.
If unsure, ask your doctor.
Lastly, It’s Gonna Cost You
This is the last part of the facts about laser hair removal that you need to know. Cost may vary on the area you want to be treated and how long your treatment will take. But this treatment rarely comes cheap. If there are rock-bottom prices, be cautious for it may be non-experts doing the work.
Although laser hair removal treatment may be costly, you can just think of it as an investment.
Not only will it save you more time, but it will save you money in the long run too. Just imagine buying razors from time to time or going to the salon for a wax treatment for the rest of your life. Don’t you think it’s actually budget-wise choosing a laser hair removal treatment?
Besides, some clinics offer packages for clients especially for those who are first-timers. Medical spas like Four Season Laser Center in Boca Raton, Florida has great offers from time to time. They also offer a membership that can save you lots of money while getting that smooth and silky skin.
(Related: How Old Do You Have To Be To Get Laser Hair Removal?)
We Are A Medical Beauty Spa In Boca Raton Florida
Four Seasons Laser Center is a highly renowned med spa in Boca Raton Florida. Our state of the art equipment is run by highly trained and experienced staff so you can rest assured that you are in good hands. We offer laser hair removal services for your whole body, PDO Threads facelift, safe and effective Plasma Fibroblast skin tightening, and other advanced medical beauty services to help you look your best. Contact us now to book a free consultation.

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About The Author
Judy Ponio is the lead author for Four Seasons Laser Center and several other prominent websites covering a variety of topics including law, health, nutrition, and more. Her passion for health and beauty trends helps her craft helpful articles that reach millions of people.